Comparative Research/ Study Shindo Yoshin Ryu, Nairiki Taijiquan Germany

Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu

Comparative Study Germany, Nairiki, Essentials Of Martial Arts

Can Taijiquan Principles of Inner Strength be compared to Shindo Yoshin Ryu Internals?

Wanted: More unique, well-written, reliable documentation with both topical news and historical material"

Shindo Yoshin Ryu, Nihon Koryu and Chinese Taijiquan

This project, which goes back to scientific studies lead by Dr. Stephan Langhoff, Hamburg on internals of Eastern martial arts, has now developed into an even more ambitious scheme. Nihon Koryu can be conceived as a primary means to better understand Taiji Quan! Dr. Langhoff was a founding member of the Tai Chi Zentrum Hamburg in 1988 and has since then built an established reputation for evidence based health promotion programs in Germany. For our former exchange of opinions see below: Facebook page closed.

Dr. Langhoff über Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu Forschung und TaijiquanTo The "Budo Community": I, Dr. Stephan Langhoff, am not an expert in SYR. Neither are our Taijiquan instructors. That is why we are asking for more fact based material for research. What is presented here is openly accessible on the net. You will easily notice that we are not claiming any "interpretational sovereignty". Nor do we favour any branch or school for our intended "overall picture". So open minded, unbiased and reliable contributions are welcome.

Yukiyoshi Takamura (1928-2000

Y. Takamura hat eine SYR-Nebenlinie in den USA gegründet und den ursprünglichen traditionellen Rahmen an westliche Umstände adaptiert - ob er dabei zu weit gegangen ist, bleibt stets eine Frage des persönlichen Standpunktes: Yukiyoshi Takamura.

"Traditional Yang-Family-Qigong"

Auf gibt es einen umfangreichen kostenlosen Download-Bereich "Traditional Yang-Family-Qigong".

Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu (高村派新道楊心流 )

DTB Community Taichi Qigong instruction Germany: Internal Strength TrainingAbstract: This website is a subdomain of Its goal is to further knowledge on integrity (postural alignment, body structure) and internal strength training. Our ambitious approach: Qualified instruction of Tai Chi should include "thinking outside the box", as facts have to be interpretated within a superior whole. This higher level proves as helpful, because much of the original information on Taiji is long lost and cannot be retrieved.

Tai Chi instruction - broader perspectives, reseach inner strength trainingYet Chinese influences still survive in many traditional Japanese schools (Nihon Koryu): H. Otsuka, an accomoplished master of Shindo Yoshin Ryu comes to mind and Y. Akiyama, a budoka whom he officially declared progenitor of Wado Ryu Karate. Scientific research might show how his sophisticated system of body mechanics developed in China relates to Tai Chi Chuan. A significant role for better understanding "Inner Power" play concepts like "Qi" and "Nairiki".

Tai Chi Instruction in Germany - a holistic teaching methodology within a broader comparative perspective

Dr. Langhoff: Forschungen Shindo Yoshin Ryu JujutsuIn my opinion German taiji teachers in general do not share a common background other than their interests in developing internal strength ("Qi"). As health promotion is their primary goal they typically are not familar with Asian martial arts. Their understanding could be significantly deepened by a broader perspective which includes access to information about internals of Nihon Koryu eg Shindo Yoshin Ryu / Wado Ryu Karate. Therefore additional background information is wanted.

Shindō Yōshin Ryū Jūjutsu Compared To Taijiquan - first basic examples

Dr. Stephan Langhoff: Sino japanese studies on internals of eastern martial arts(Note: We do take special care to not compare "apples and oranges") One of the most salient points are significant technical terms like Chinese "SUNG" ("relaxed-stretched, looseness") and Japanese "JU" ("flexible"). To render them superficially as "soft, yielding" would be inaccurate and misleading. Similar unnecessary problems can be avoided by better analysing terms like "Qi" (Chinese) and "Ki" (Japanese) in "Qigong" and "Aikido". For substantial insight we offer this broader perspective.

Sensei Tobin E. Threadgill als gegenwärtiger Kaisho (Oberhaupt) seiner TSYR-Neben-Linie beschreibt seine Kunst für Lehrgänge seines Verbands so: "Shindo Yoshin Ryu ("New Willow School") (新道楊心流<) is a traditional school of Japanese martial arts, teaching primarily the art of jūjutsu ***  (see full quote on Tobin E. Threadgill´s website: Er erklärt für seine Seminare: "This koryu (classical) jujutsu school is a sogo bujutsu (comprehensive martial tradition) maintaining a significant weapons curriculum that reflects those embraced by the samurai warrior class (katana, tanto et al.)." Source: beb70 2bb-4bf8-4919-ad92-b75c9b15aa83.pdf.

Taiji Instruction Germany: Deutscher Taichi-Bund - Dachverband für Tai Chi und Qigong e. V.

 Comparative Research/ Study, Koryu, Martial Arts, NairikiThe DTB is the umbrella organisation for Taiji and Qigong in Germany. Scientific research programs to explore the obvious connections to traditional Japanese Budo were initiated in 1988. According to Prof. Louis Swaim many Chinese thinkers in the early eighteenth Century had an admiring fascination for bushido. This and many other intriguing facets should be explored in more depth. The situation in Germany for some schools of Taiji is awkward to put it mildly - it seems to reflect Plato's allegory of the cave (or even worse Thomas Gray's proverbial "Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise" and "The emperor has no clothes"). This does not bode well and should really be changed for the better: To enhance the prestige and reputation of Tai Chi Chuan.


Comparative Research: Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu and Taijiquan - Sino Japanese Studies on Internal Martial Arts

Martial Arts Internals to many are a true gem! Structural Connectedness in unison with Posture, Proprioception, Relaxation and Mind/ Intent/ Imagination seem to be the core features for future comparative study. Dr. Langhoff: "The common underlying *softness* in martial systems is fascinating to both researchers and practioners. But much of what can be read belongs to myth and lore and will certainly not hold up under academic scrutiny. Hopefully additional authoritative proof for Japanese relations to southern China martial arts traditions can be dug up in the near future.

Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu and Yang Luchans Taijiquan Since the days of the legendary Master Yang Luchan many Taiji masters have emphasized the alleged uniqueness of their art (see Tai Chi Principles). While most schools chimed in and followed suit, Dr. Langhoff had never suscribed to this controversial claim. To him Wado Karate and Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu feature similar comparable principles. This assumption is proven by studies of the fascial network.

Research on Facial Connective Tissues and whole-body-connections

Modern findings of fascia research show the importance of myofascial chains ("energy trains", tensegrity model). They prove that energy can be stored and coordinated within the whole body. Compare the term "one Chin" from the  Chinese taiji classics). So given these biological features it would be wrong to assume there would be only tai chi to use them (see article "Fascial tissues, energy trains and tensegrity).

Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu as "Nihon Koryu" - Taijiquan as a "Neijia"

Nihon Koryu appears to many to be schools of an "endangered art". Some Japanese martial arts systems are traditional ("Nihon Ko-ryu") - they are not taught to outsiders. Such transmissions would be very insightful for researchers though. Tai Chi Chuan too is often said to have secrets restricted to an "inner Circle" or "Neijia". But more and more "secrets" and "unique features" are being openly taught and discussend. The official state of the art is reflected by Taijiquan families' statements of this year's Tai Chi Symposium.

Authoritative information sources of Qigong/ Taijiquan: The search for reliable knowledge has also presented researchers with an immense task. Okinawan and Chinese sources present the serious researcher with a tangled web, a complex labyrinth of truth, half-truth and verbal tradition. See Dr. Langhoffs post on "Data skew and truth".

Tags: Nihon-Koryu: Kata, seminar reviews, contrastive research data skew, Traditional Martial Arts School Domon-Kai mainline branch SYR curriculum weapons´forms Training Licenses, omote ura versions history Ohbata Takamura


Shindo Yoshin Ryu and Taijiquan - what do they have in common as internal martial arts?

This international research program is conducted by Dr. Stephan Langhoff, a long time practitioner of both Wado Ryu Karate and Yang Style Taijiquan (see Yang-Family-Taijiquan Germany. His teachers include Teruo Kono and Fu Zhongwen respectively (more information on his German Website His studies are aimed at a deeper understanding of internals in Eastern Martial Arts.  Shindo Yoshin Ryu with its focus on body mechanics, structure posture, awareness and mental control can deepen the understanding of various martial disciplines including Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong. Early talks from the beginning of the seventies with Kono sensei motivated Dr. Langhoff to explore deeper into the similarities and differences of Eastern Martial Arts. This website focuses on the comparison of Japanese Shindo Yoshin Ryu and Chinese Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan).

"Nairiki" - Body Mechanics, Connectedness and Internal Strength - New Article and References

Presentation Shindo Yoshin Ryu Mainline Katsunosuke, OtsukaFrom the various similarities between Taijiquan and Shindo Yoshin Ryu we choose one to begin with: Body mechanics and its role in developing Inner Strength ("Nairiki", Nairiki No Gyo, Nairiki Kata). To my knowledge there has not been much serious research on this matter - at least not on a scientific level (pointed out here: Nairiki). The eminent role of proper body mechanics in martial arts is as interesting as challenging. The role of myofasical-trains has still to be studied deeper and with more scientific scrutiny. Topics are "Unified Strength" and "Connected Body". My research is focused on describing main aspects of body mechanics in Authentic Yang Style Taijiquan and compare them with statements about Shindo Yoshin Ryu and especially "Nairiki".  1: Posture and Structure 2: Linear Energy and Spiraling Energy 3: Proprioception Outwards and Proprioception Inwards. 4: Physical Aspects and Mental Aspects. Autoritative Info wanted: Internal Strength Nairiki Kata compared to Chinese Qigong: Banjaku Tetsutai Tekyaku Shingetsu Zangetsu, Yoitsuki, Batsu, Tasuki (see metaphor Tenchijin - Heaven-Earth-Man).

Central questions and Conclusions so far:
  • Is Tai Chi maybe not as unique as is widely believed - must literature be rewritten?
  • Can Taijiquan instructors broaden their horizons by researching Shindo Yoshin Ryu?
  • Do the underlying principles stem from one single source or were they invented independently?
  • Could lost transmissions within one art be inferred from knowledge of another one?



Dr. Langhoffs Jujutsu-Forschungen - Recherche für größere Zusammenhänge

Dr. Langhoff: Forschungen Shindo Yoshin Ryu JujutsuMeine These: Zur Vertiefung meines Verständnisses von sowohl Wado-Karate als auch Yang-Taijiquan kann die Samurai-Kampfkunst Jujutsu entscheidend beitragen. Durch meine Forschungen zum Shindo Yoshin Ryu von H. Otsuka und im Yoshin Ryu von Y. Akiyama verfüge ich mittlerweile über bessere Argumente als früher. Die neuen größeren Kontexte erleichtern mir meine Lehrtätigkeit als Taiji-Ausbilder im Deutschen Taichi-Bund - Dachverband für Taichi und Qigong e. V. wesentlich (Chronik Wu Wei und Tai Chi Kampfkunst ).

Studies Internals in Shindo Yoshin Ryu and Yang-Style-TaijiquanMein zentraler Studien-Bereich sind die 10 Tai-Chi-Prinzipien der Yang Family. Bereits für Laien sind Bezüge zu Nihon Koryu erkennbar. Für solche Recherchen hatte ich bereits 1994 das Oberhaupt der Yang-Family Yang Zhenduo nach Hamburg eingeladen, um über diese Zehn Prinzipien des Tai Chi seines Vaters Yang Chengfu zu unterrichten. Diese Überlieferungen stellen seit Yang Luchan die "Seele des Yang-Family-Taijiquan in Deutschland" dar. Sie sind traditionell-esoterisch und nur verständlich im Rahmen der damaligen sozio-kulturellen Weltsicht. Beispiele hier: Klassische Schriften/ Tai Chi Klassiker. Es geht dabei um die Fehl-Einschätzungen und ihre Quellen. Siehe auch Tai Chi Pushhands Richtig Lernen).

Taijiquan studies: Dalu compared to Shindo Yoshin RyuSchon als ich anfang der Siebziger Jahre mit meinem Lehrer Teruo Kono Gespräche über die Vergleichbarkeit von Wado Ryu Karate und Taiji führte, entstand in mir der Wunsch nach mehr vertiefender Forschung im Zusammenhang mit Push Hands Lernen. Ein weiteres faszinierendes Thema ist Fajin. Das Bild zeigt Dalü-Prinzipien, die ich vergleiche mit Akiyamas Yoshin Ryu und der Biegsamkeit der Weide. Mehr: Fajin und Dalü. Erhellende Zusammenhänge erschließen sich beim Thema Faszien Tai Chi Qigong und Qigong Meister werden.

Forschung über Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu / Toby Threadgill in Deutschland

Der in den USA lebende Tobin E. Threadgill ist einer von nur drei TSYR-Meistern, denen die außerordentliche Graduierung eines "Menkyo Kaiden" (Lizenz der vollständigen Überlieferung)" verliehen wurde. Threadgill Senseis Lehrgänge erleuchten die Tiefe der "Jujutsu-Internals" und loten sie aus. Sie sind gut mit Prinzipien, Techniken und Kampf-Strategien des Taijiquan und Qigong vergleichbar.

Der DTB-Arbeitskreis ist ein vielversprechendes Novum in der Geschichte des Verbandes. Er ist das einzige Projekt in ganz Deutschland auf der DTB-Basis des "Richtigen Lernens".

Deutsche Studien über SYR-Techniken gibt es wenige. Online-Artikel und Lehrgangsberichte zu Toby-Threadgill-Lehrgänge in Berlin. Einerseits ist Shindo Yoshin Ryu in Deutschland nicht sehr verbreitet und zum anderen gibt es natürlich die "Koryu-Schranke". Auch was öffentliche Omote-Versionen anbelangt, bleiben Artikel häufig an der Oberfläche, gehen nicht in die Tiefe und stellen keine wissenschaftlichen Bezüge zum chinesischen Ursprung her.

Comparing similarities between Taijiquan and Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu

Watching Otsuka Sensei we see principles similar to Tai Chi Chuan. We see him connecting. We see him moving in one. We see the unified body. We see him using ju to overcome his opponent. We see ten chi jin. So Shindo Yoshin Ryu could be the means to access what Otsuka Sensei was doing. Statements like these are widespread. This ties in well with what is said in the "Tai Chi Classics". These traditional Chinese documents were transmitted within the Yang-family and Wu-Family. (See hours pictures of the Tai Chi Classics).

Yang Luchan - Gründer oder Weiterentwickler des Tai Chi Chuan?Important for comparative research: Many Chinese thinkers in the early 18th Century had an admiring fascination for bushido - see Miyamoto Musashi, Jujutsu and manuscripts of Yang Style founder href="">Yang Luchan. Source Taiji Community of DTB Germany. Examples: As soon as you move, your entire body should be light and sensitive and all its parts connected ... From the feet to the legs to the waist should be one complete flow of Qi. ... All the joints of the body should be connected without permitting the slightest break  ... Our posture should be erect and relaxed, able to control the eight directions. ... From mastery of the posture, you will gradually awaken to interpreting energy. Source: Wang Tsung-Yueh’s Treatise on Taiji Quan ‘Yang Family Secret Transmissions’. Compiled and translated by Douglas Wile (Wile, Douglas: Lost T’ai-chi Classics form the Late Ch’ing Dynasty. State University of New York Press 1996). See  Body mechanics: Unified Strength / Connected Body. Quotatons TC: Shindo Yoshin Ryu exercises use internal body dynamics and structure to develop better connection to the ground. New Study on Internal Chinese Martial Arts on Yang Luchan (1799-1872 A.D.) - origin and evolution of Taijiquan Myth and evidence in the light of contemporary study).


Archives, Bibliography, Annotations/ Footnotes

FAQ Chinese relations Yang Luchan: Nihon Koryu, Akiyama, Katsunosuke, Otsuka Kono: Facebook page Page is now offline: Reason, comments background information on facts and fictions

Please note that there is another (German) website confined to the complimentary relationship of Hironori Otsuka´s Shindo Yoshin Ryu and his Wado Ryu Karate as transmitted by Teruo Kono in Germany (see review: Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu). Also see the German abstract including the official statement of Yang Family concerning Yang Chengfu´s transmission of internals.

to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas - literally translated we mean "to look over the edge of the plate"

Citations allow the reader to associate a given bit of material in an article with the specific reliable source(s) that support the material. We intend to create a list of full bibliography citations to support shortened footnotes or parenthetical references.

Dr. Stephan Langhoff: Dissertation Gestalt Linguistics Hamburg Germany

International Discussion "Clearing House and Budo Brotherhood": Shindo Yoshin Ryu T. Threadgill.

Tradition und Weiterentwicklung

Immer mehr Lehrende in Deutschland werden ausgebildet nach der Methodik des "Richtig Lernens und Lehrens". Dieses ganzheitliche Konzept wurde entwickelt vom Dt. Taichi-Bund - Dachverband für Taichi und Qigong e. V. (DTB). Seine "standardisierten Konzepte" sind zugelassen für Krankenkassen-Anerkennung. Kurz gesagt führt es durch übergeordnete Perspektiven zu einem tieferen Verständnis und damit zu besserem Unterricht ohne Esoterik und WUDE-Moral-Kodex. Nach bestandener Prüfung tragen die Lehrer das Qualitätssiegen "Geprüfter Lehrer DTB".

Der hohe Stellenwert des chinesischen Taijiquan und Qigong in der ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsbildung führt dazu, dass Kampfkunst-Aspekte wie traditionelle Überlieferung und althergebrachte Anwendung in der Selbstverteidigung an Bedeutung verloren haben. Vorgaben der Krankenkassen-Förderung zur Primärprävention haben diese Entwicklung mit beeinflußt. Eine parallele Entwicklung findet sich in den japanischen Kampfkünsten wie z. B. Aikido, Jujutsu und Judo. Doch viele Praktizierende möchten das "Authentische" oder "Ursprüngliche" der Tradition nicht aufgeben und befürchten eine "Verwässerung". Seit langem befasst sich der DTB e. V. mit diesem Spannungsfeld. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschungen, die ebenso ermutigend wie interessant erweisen, eingearbeitet in die bundesdeutsche Aus- und Fortbildung.

Der DTB-Arbeitskreis ist ein vielversprechendes Novum in der Geschichte des Verbandes. Er ist das einzige Projekt in ganz Deutschland auf der DTB-Basis des "Richtigen Lernens". Der einzigartige neue Ansatz betrachtet sino-japanische Forschung als exzellente Möglichkeit, die Prinzipien Innerer Kraft besser zu verstehen.